Celebrate Thanksgiving with G-R-A-T-I-T-U-D-E
G, is for Gift. Everyday is a gift from God, enjoy and be grateful for it.
R, is for Respect. Treat everyone the same, no matter their station or situation in life. The same steps you use when going up the ladder are the ones you use when coming down.
A, is for Attitude. Stuff will happen to you, but your attitude goes a long way in determining how you fare. Your happiness is largely determined by what you choose it to be.
T, is for Thanksgiving. No matter your current condition, there is always something you can be thankful for.
I, is for being Intentional. Make plans to accomplish what is important to you. A goal without a plan is just a pipe dream.
T, is for Tenacity. If first you fail, learn from it and try again. Success and failure are flip sides of the same coin.
U, is for You. I am so grateful that God has brought you across my path. Do take care of yourself.
D, is for Decision. Make a decision to have a thankful heart rather than one that holds grudges or complains. Gratitude is a decision for your life, not the other person’s.
E, is for Expression. Don’t just be grateful to someone for something. Let them know it today! Your words have the power to transform their day.
Remember to Always Give Thanks