You can’t earn this gift!
Making it to heaven is a free gift of God; an act of mercy and grace, not something you can earn.
‘For the wages of sin (any sin) is death. But the gift of God is everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord.’ Romans 6:23 (KJV)
MERCY, is God not giving you what you deserve.
GRACE, is God giving you what you do not deserve.
Both God’s mercy and His grace were accomplished when Christ gave His life for you as a firm guarantee that, one sweet day, you will make it to heaven. You do not need to earn what has already been given to you when Christ exchanged his life for yours.
What God does desire now, more than anything you can ever do for Him, is for you to accept His free and unmerited gift of eternal salvation, and to enter into a close and personal relationship with Him.